Monday, July 23, 2012

The Joy to Serve

          Recently, I had the blessing of reading Matushka Juliana Schmemann’s newest book, The Joy to Serve.  Having grown up in a family dedicated to the service of the Church (my father as a parish priest, my mother as a priest’s wife and choir director, my sister and myself as a chanter and Sunday School teacher, my brother as a subdeacon), I found this book both comforting and challenging.  Comforting, because it showed that the struggles we have faced throughout our church service are by no means unique, and challenging, because it showed that my opinion about how things should be done is NOT equivalent, and in fact can often be radically opposed, to the Truth of the Gospel, which is simply love for God, and love for neighbor.  Below I share an excerpt that particularly moved me, both when I first read it, and especially now as I travel to join family, friends, and assembled faithful in prayer as my uncle and godfather completes his life’s journey.  May God bless us on our own journey to the Kingdom!

“When preparing for a journey, we try to learn as much as we can about our destination; the climate, the history, the special attractions, etc. We buy special clothes, travel books, we explore the internet.  In other words we spend a great deal of time in preparation for the trip with great enthusiasm and anticipation.
            Exactly the same can be said about our life’s journey to the Kingdom.  The same joy and anticipation can and should take place as we prepare for our final banquet with the Lord, with the Theotokos and with all the saints…
Having laid aside all earthly cares, having detached ourselves from concrete petty thoughts and emptied our minds in order to give enough room for the Spirit to fill, I would like to stand with you in silence, stillness and solitude – solitude with Christ.  Then we can concentrate on our journey, the one that is taking place as time moves inexorably forward, upward, and, we hope, towards the gates…
But we know Christ, we partake of His Body and His Blood, we stand at the foot of His Cross, we know His Love…Love Him back! Always and forever, this is the answer: love Him back!
The Church provides all the tools that this journey requires…”

The Joy to Serve, pp. 85-88
Juliana Schmemann
Published by: Alexander Press

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