Sunday, March 29, 2009

4th week of Lent

At this point in my Lenten journey, I will admit, I am growing weary. The fasting, the praying, the extra church all begins to drain a person. But standing in church this evening, a pan-Orthodox vespers with all three of the neighboring churches worshiping together, I heard these words:

Having passed half the period of this holy fast,
let us clearly show for the beginning of divine glory!
Let us fervently hasten to the achievement of good behavior,
that we may receive the eternal joy!

Having passed beyond the middle point of this holy fast,
let us strive to its end, rejoicing with steadfastness!
Let us anoint ourselves with the oil of charity,
that we may be worthy to adore the noble passion of Christ our God,
and attain His most honored and holy Resurrection!

The Savior Who planted the vineyard and called the laborers is near indeed!
Come, therefore, O workers in the fast:
let us receive our wages, for the Giver is rich and merciful!
Even if we have labored little we receive great mercy!

I felt like a marathon runner, having passed the half-way point, but not sure if my legs could carry me to the finish line. But these hymns, so purposefully and providentially placed at this point in the Great Fast, were like the words of the bystanders, cheering me on, and encouraging me to put that last extra effort into this arduous spiritual race, with Christ's Resurrection as it's goal.

As I looked at those of us who were gathered at the church this evening, I realized how truly blessed it is for "brethren to dwell together in unity", as Fr. Ignatius said in his sermon, and I begin to see how, it doesn't matter if we are Arab, Greek, Russian, or just plain American; it doesn't matter if we sing in four part harmonies, in unison chant melodies, or simply read the hymns to the best of our ability; and it doesn't matter if we have been 100% in keeping the fast, or if we are only keeping it marginally...what does matter is that we, each and every imperfect and sinful one of us, together form the Church, the spotless Bride of Christ, and that WE will all receive the immeasurable grace that is His glorious Pascha, and will all be able to sing/chant/say: CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! and find in these words the meaning of our lives and the path to our salvation.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A new beginning...

During my stay in Santiago, Chile last semester, I was an avid blogger. I earnestly tried to keep friends and family posted with my goings on, as well as a fair share of pictures. Upon my return to "the States" however, I completely forgot about how useful a blog is in keeping in touch with others and with sharing stories in general.

So, in anticipation of a new beginning in my life (Frank and I will be married on July 12), I have decided to begin this blog in order to share our stories and reflections.

Providentially, we Orthodox Christians are also in the period of Great Lent. Lent proves to be a perfect time for reflection, thus I hope my blog entries will fully encompass the greatness of this period of the year, with all of the bright sorrow that it brings: repentance, growing closer to God, asceticism, and finally, the blessed Pascha!
